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Privacy Policy


This Notice outlines your right to access and how medical information about you may be used and disclaimed. Please read it carefully.

This Notice of Privacy Practices (the "Notice") informs you of the manner in which we may use and disclose your protected health information (hereafter referred to as "medical information"), as well as your rights and responsibilities in connection with such uses and disclosures. "We" refers to the providers employed by Revitalize Rx, including, respectively, thier providers and employees ("Medical Groups"), to whom this Notice is applicable.


Our Obligations

This company is trusted with your medical data and guarantees the confidentiality of the medical infall patients' medical information the federal law. The provision of this Notice is incorporated with the legal duties of the affected individuals and the medical information they had initially shared.


Disclosure of medical information

We can use and disclose your data (medical information) in different ways.

Like many other site operators, we collect information from your browsers. Immediately you log in to the site, your browser sends us some information. This log data may include your computer's internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, browser version, the pages of our site you visit, the time and date you visit, the time spent on those pages, and other data-related statistics.

We may also use third-party services such as Google Analytics that collect, monitor and analyze this information.

They have been categorized into uses and disclosures for easy identification of patients. Regarding this, we may contact the patients via text messages, email addresses, or any other personal address they have given out. In most cases, patients' communication with the company will be through medical groups based on their interaction with the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (HIPAA). The medical group will communicate to you through the address you had given, but most likely, they will communicate through the following ways:

  • Emails: you can seek treatment through email after stating the signs and symptoms you are experiencing. The medical team will, after that, issue a diagnosis via the same email.

  • Text messages: text messages are meant to obtain information from patients who might not have a valid email address. You will send a text message to a medical group outlining the signs, seeking signs and symptoms. 

  • Customer service emails and app notifications: the app notification will provide you with the latest update on whether there will be late communication or late shipment of drugs

  • Tracking emails: these are emails that will notify you of the date and time of shipment and other necessary information.

  • Order information: they provide information on the types of goods/drugs to order and their shipping

  • Referral programs: as a patient, you can refer people to our facility. Therefore, referral programs give you benefits you will get after refereeing new patients. In addition, the facility (medical group) may disclose your medical information for the following reasons:

  1. For treatment: the medical group may share your medical information when they want to provide you with treatment and manage medical services when needed. The pharmacist may require your medical information during the prescription of drugs.

  2. For healthcare operations: healthcare operations are not limited to legal activities of the hospital; we may require your medical information and disclose it when doing the procedures. This will eventually help in promoting quality health care. This will be done by evaluating your medical information to assess the quality of health care given and make necessary adjustments.

  3. Quality assurance and utilization review: we may sample a few patients and check their medical information. We will use their medical knowledge when assessing the quality of health care given to other patients. From the assessment, we will know areas that need adjustments and should be maintained concerning quality health care.

  4. Treatment alternative: some health conditions may require home-based care, and you may be required to take some drugs during home-based care. Disclosing your medical information will be necessary because the facility will use your medical information for the prescription.

  5. Appointment reminders: we may use your medical information when tracking your location and address health visitation. This applies when you have booked an appointment, and perhaps you are on home-based care.

  6. Vendors: Vendors are the health care service providers; in this case, they provide billing and legal services. When such services are rendered to the facility, we may require your medical information to ease their work. In this case, we will disclose your medical information.

  7. Responsible parties for your health care payment: individuals or even insurance companies catering to your medical bills have the right to check your medical information. In this case, we have no option but to disclose it to them by your approval or approval of federal law.

  8. In some cases, we might be instructed by the court to disclose your medical information. Ultimately, a patient's medical information may be disclosed as a legal requirement. Concerning this, we might use your medical information to do the following:

  1. Organ  donations such as kidney transplants or even for research

  2. To prevent some medical threats, such as an outbreak

  3. Military training,

  4. To process compensation,

  5. Public health activities

  6. Health oversight activities

  7. An investigation by the law enforcement authorities

  8. When making healthcare fundraising

  9. In the marketing of an upcoming healthcare facility

The law of electronic disclosures of medical information requires us to notify you (the patient) that we will disclose your medical information. While informing you, we must state vividly why we will disclose your medical information. It should be done prior.


Other uses of medical information

  • Physiotherapy notes and marketing purposes: apart from providing health care to patients, the medical group also aims to make profits, which will depend on the marketing strategy. As a way of marketing our facility so that we may attract more customers, we may disclose your medical information to new clients to assure of our service delivery. In this case, we will not disclose confidential information, just a portion of the medical report like weight loss progress. 

In most cases, you will always be informed to write an authorization letter allowing us to disclose your medical information. When you feel a breach of your privacy, you have the right to correct another letter revoking the initial authorization. However, we may not take back the medical information initially disclosed. We will maintain our records and keep them confidential. The letter revoking your authorization takes effect from the day you submit it. Apart from the reasons stated above, some reasons might lead to the use or disclosure of medical information. This, however, cannot be done without your approval. The approval must be done in a formal way by writing to us proving your authorization of disclosure of medical information.

You also have the right to revoke the authorization of medical information.

Your rights regarding medical information about you

There are specific laws and regulations which protect your medical information. It is essential to read and understand them carefully. They include the following:

  1. Right, to inspect and copy- you have the right to review your medical information as often as possible. You can also copy some parts or the whole information as you inspect. The medical information you had previously inspected should be the same as the one in our database. Before the inspection, you must notify us by writing an official letter and sending it to This letter should be addressed to your medical group. We may charge you when you require a soft or hard copy of your medical information either soft or hard copy, we may charge you. The charges will cater to copying, mailing, and shipping (if we send a hard copy). Federal law dictates the amount charged to clients requesting to copy their medical information. We will send you the medical information in the requested format; if you request it in reproducible electronic format, we will provide it in a readable electronic form you signed with the medical group. In rare circumstances, we may not allow you to copy and inspect your medical information; the law does such restrictions. In such cases, we will communicate officially through our email address. The denial can, however, be reviewed upon your request. The room for reviewing the denial to inspect your medical information is because your health insurance company may require the information. The review will be done by a different person from the one who had denied you access (health care practitioner chosen by the medical group). We will both abide by the outcome of the review.

  2. Right, to amend-   you may not be comfortable with the medical information we have about you. You have the right to request an amendment. The request for amendment should have a valid reason. The request for amendment must be official, in writing form. It should be sent to Our team will sit and consider your reasons for the amendment. When we discover your genuine reasons, we may consider and make the necessary modifications. We may also deny your request for amendment when the request is not made in writing or when the reasons are not valid; the reasons should support the request clearly and precisely. After reviewing your request, we communicate whether we will make the amendment. We may deny the request for amendment due to the following reasons:

  1. When the information you want us to amend is not our original information, it was not created by us. When we insist on the amendment of such information, we will require an affirmative message from the original author that is no longer available.

  2. When the information you request for its amendment is not in line with our terms and conditions, there is some medical information you are not allowed to inspect and copy; such kinds of information are not allowed to be amended.

  3. When we feel that the information we provided is complete and accurate.

  4. When the information is irrelevant to our field of expertise, we will only be amending information relating to the medical group.

  1. Right to an accounting of disclosures- there is always a list of disclosures made within six years. You have the right to request this list at any time. This list contains your medical information, such as treatment, health care operations, and bills. The request for the list of disclosures is to be made by writing an email to When requesting accounting disclosure, you should only request the disclosures made within six years. This is because our database may not update the disclosures made after six years. While writing requesting disclosure, you should note the format in which you want the list sent, whether it should be sent to you in soft or hard copy. The cost of sending a hard copy might be higher than sending the list for a soft copy; you should consider such expenses when making the requests. When requesting a disclosure list for the first time, we will send it for free as long as it is within one year. After that, there are some additional charges you will have to cater for. These charges are not meant to prevent you from requesting your disclosure lists but to pay legal fees.

  2. Right to request restrictions- it is your right to restrict the kind of medical information we disclose. There is some confidential information, such as treatment, mode of payment, and drugs issued, which you may not want us to disclose. In this case, you have a right to write a letter to us restricting the disclosure of such confidential information. You also have the right to request a limitation on disclosure of medical information. This will ensure that we only disclose a portion of medical information as per your command. The limitation of disclosure of medical information applies to family members, health insurance Companies responsible for paying your medical bills, and even friends. We always agree with your request to limit disclosed medical information and do as you wish. However, when there is a need to administer emergency treatment, we may go against the stated Agreement. Some cases may not require us to consider our initial Agreement on the limitation of disclosed medical information. Such instances include orders from the court. When requesting restrictions on the disclosure of medical information, it should be made in an official way by writing a letter and sending it to the email address; That letter should include the specific information you want us to limit its disclosure and the particular people to whom you wish the limitation of disclosure to apply; also, you should include whether we limit only the disclosure, use or both. In short, be precise in your request for limitation of disclosure of medical information.

You should always bear in mind that the limitation of disclosing your medical information has positive and negative consequences. For instance, when you limit your health insurance company from accessing your medical information, they may terminate your contract. Denying them access to your medical information will raise eyebrows, and they will assume something fishy has occurred. However, when making such limitations, it is good to notify them or any other party responsible for your medical bills.

  1. Right, to request confidential communications- you have the right to be contacted in an official manner. Official communications give the message some weight and make the recipient feel important. Medical information requires utmost confidentiality such that it should not involve a third party. Therefore, your right to confidential communication should be adhered to and respected. Some people have multiple email addresses, and you may be one of them. You can direct us to the specific email address to which to channel our communications. For this to be effective, it is important to write to us the official address to which you will want us to channel all communications and send them to We will always comply with requests regarding the confidentiality of the method of communication without asking more questions. However, when making such requests, always specify and, if possible, write the correct email address you wish us to use.

  2. Right to have a copy of this Notice- you need to have a clear background of these terms and conditions; hence, you have a right to have a copy of the Notice, either soft or hard copy. If at all you misplace it, you can contact us through the address so that we send it to you immediately. All the communications challenged to us must be in written form to show some formality.

  3. Right, to breach notification- personal medical information may at some point be improperly disclosed; it is your right to get notified earlier enough and adjust its confidentiality. A breach of privacy is against the rule of law; you are entitled to be informed of any inappropriate disclosure of your medical information.


Changes to this Notice

This Notice is subject to change; it is not permanent. However, the changes should be with respect to our terms of service, privacy policies, and practices. When we make any changes, we will inform you and, if possible, provide you with a copy of the Notice. The changes will also be made in our websites, offices where the medical group practice medicine. After completing all the relevant changes, we will inform you that you can write to us through and get a copy.



After reading the privacy rights, we are open to receiving complaints from anyone who feels that their privacy has been violated. You are free to file your complaints with the applicable medical group through There will be no penalizing those who shall have filed a complaint whether they lose or win the case. Further complaints can be filed to the Department of Health and human services secretary. 

Ultimately, you may contact for questions and inquiries.



The security of your personal information is important to us, but have it in mind that no method of transmission over the internet and data storage is perfect; they are not 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee 100% data security. Additionally, we utilize 'Practice Better' EMR, which is HIPAA compliant. 




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In case of any queries about this privacy policy, contact us at 

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